
Guess what? The holidays are coming up, and you know what that means - JetStream is fired up for a lineup of charity events.

Check out your local papers, keep watch for fliers and listen to the radio. You're bound to find out where we are. And don't forget when you come to be generous to those we're playing for. Lots of good folks with good causes out there.

See you soon!

Oh, and by the way, pretty soon, you're gonna see our own Kyle in the spotlight again - but not with JetStream. He's on his way to the top and we're all proud of him.

Still Going Strong

We hope you haven’t forgotten about us, because we haven’t forgotten about you! The summer months have been filled with a lot of busy activities, but yes, we’re still around. Hanging in there with Jason, Phil and Mike, we’re onstage and rockin’ it out like we always have. Thanks to Axel Thornton from Cryptic who has been helping Jen make the most of our sound system.

We’re playing tonight at a nice community event, so we hope to see you there. Be sure to clap loud for Katie who is back with us. You may not see her, but she’s sure to see you.

Coming up

Well if you heard JetStream was gonna be playing over in Southton, you heard right. We're up, playing with a couple other bands for an event going down at the city hall. Check out your local info spots for more information on the event, and we hope to see you there!


Goodbye, Hello

Life leads people down the same paths sometimes. And sometimes those paths eventually part. JetStream is sad to see Kyle go. Last night was his final concert with JetStream, and he went out with a bang, singing lead while Jason was away.

Kyle will be traveling with Break Out for an indefinite amount of time. Will he be back to JetStream? Time will tell. In the meantime, we're gonna miss him.

Not to worry though, JetStream as a band, will continue to rock. Jason will be back on stage as our primary lead singer and guitarist, and we'll be having good clean fun along with some awesome music as always. So keep your eye out for our upcoming events. You won't want to miss them!


Fun as always

A successful night is all we can say. Thank to those who came on down to the charity fair and concert. The crowd was awesome!

This time of year, things start slowing down, but don't worry - we've got several more gigs lined up. If you've got an event coming up, don't forget to give us a call. We love fundraiser events, but also love a private crowd or joining other bands on stage.

Give a hand to Cryptic too - they rocked the house after we were offstage! (Not to mention, we're just a little proud of Kyle's performance as he teamed up with them!)


Make some noise!

Shhh..... What do you hear? Nothing? It's quiet?

WELL DON'T GET USED TO IT! JetStream's comin' to town baby, and you better be there! That's right, we're on stage, hyped and ready to rock. Check out the info for the harvest event coming up. We'll be sharing the spotlight with our good friends from Cryptic, and we're gonna have a real good time. Music... fun... food... friends... What more could you ask for? Oh yeah, did I mention it's free? How great is that? Now come on... how could you say no?

Lots of opportunities to give to your favorite charities - this is a great fund-raising event that everybody's gonna love.



Things have been a bit quiet lately - but not because of Kyle. His voice is back and full swing, and let me tell you...some of us are wishing he would have been quiet just a little while longer. ...Just kidding. No, we love him and are all thrilled that he's back completely now. Even his hand is healing nicely, at a speed unexplainable. Though...I'm crediting it to all the prayers - pretty explainable to us.

Things have been quiet because things have simply slowed down this time of the year. We got a few gigs lined up for the near future though, so you'll see us around.

Oh, and by the way, Cryptic is back in town, and rockin' as good as ever. Their schedule is pretty much full of trying to get back into a normal life routine, but I heard over the grapevine that you might get a show here pretty soon.

- Mike

Silent AND Stubborn

Well, Kyle might have lost his voice for a while, but that did nothing to thwart his determination... or maybe that should be stubbornness.

Y'all just about got our next show canceled, but at the last minute, dear Kyle convinced us to go ahead with plans. He doesn't have a voice, and he's got an injured hand, so watch out for the five-fingered frenzy behind the keyboard tomorrow night. Not to mention we have a special guest on backup vocals, so y'all just make her feel welcome, will you?
