
Things have been a bit quiet lately - but not because of Kyle. His voice is back and full swing, and let me tell you...some of us are wishing he would have been quiet just a little while longer. ...Just kidding. No, we love him and are all thrilled that he's back completely now. Even his hand is healing nicely, at a speed unexplainable. Though...I'm crediting it to all the prayers - pretty explainable to us.

Things have been quiet because things have simply slowed down this time of the year. We got a few gigs lined up for the near future though, so you'll see us around.

Oh, and by the way, Cryptic is back in town, and rockin' as good as ever. Their schedule is pretty much full of trying to get back into a normal life routine, but I heard over the grapevine that you might get a show here pretty soon.

- Mike

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