The silent partner

Well, it's not the busiest season in the year, but if you haven't heard from us in a while, don't worry, we're still around. More jam sessions than concerts, but that's this time of year for you.

Got one upcoming gig though, playing for a family night. Check it out, and don't forget to come!

We've had to change things up a little with just a bit of a setback. It's a long story, but in a nutshell, Kyle's lost his voice. We're all hoping and praying it's temporary, but the doc says no singing, not even talking for several weeks. After that he'll evaluate whether surgery on the vocal cords is necessary or not. In the meantime, we got one quiet puppy on our hands, and believe me, if you know Kyle, that's quite a switch!

Not to worry though, we're still JetStream with the sound you love. Kyle's still on keyboard and Jason's still on lead vocals. I'll be backing him up while Kyle's out of commission. If you think about it, shoot him an email, he could use the pick-me-up.


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