From a Dream to Life

She left the life she'd always known,
Going to live a dream.
But a dream's not always the same in life,
She stumbled and fell,
All she wanted was home.

She couldn't take back all that she'd done,
Hardships bore her down.
It wasn't as easy as it looked to be.
She fell further away,
Just wished for death to come.

Where's the help for the wounded soul?
Why are you staring at her?
She's just like you, with a heart and life.
Pick her up and show her your love.

She found some care in the honest eyes,
Saw a glimmer of hope.
Though often hard with sorrows too many,
She kept up the pace,
All she wished for was life.

Dreams had shattered to a million pieces,
She couldn't pick them up.
But time has a way of changing dreams,
She opened her eyes,
Saw a brand new world.

You are the help for the wounded soul.
Don't just stare at her.
She's just like you, with a heart and life.
Stay with her and show her your love.

She found a way for her wounded soul.
Someone stopped to help.
She was just like them with a heart and life.
She found the love that was given to her.

She left the life she'd always known,
Going to live a dream.
But a dream's not always the same in life,
She stumbled and fell...
But she got back up.

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